Our Story
Andrew responded to Jenna’s Craigslist personals ad in May of 2015. After a few days of emails, we decided to meet at Panera in Natomas for lunch.
We sat in Panera talking for more than three hours.  We’d have stayed longer, but Jenna was still recovering from a massive infection that had been wrongly diagnosed as cancer.
That following Wednesday, Andrew invited Jenna to his apartment.  We have been together, ever since.

On our first trip to Fort Bragg/Westport, we had about as much go wrong as went right.  We got off to a late start.  There were zero camping spaces available at our usual camp ground.  Once we found a place to set up, we found out that there was no beach access nearby, so we could only look longingly from afar at Jenna's beloved ocean. 
We'd forgotten at least some component of just about everything.  No cups for coffee (or sweetener... or creamer).  No plates for food.  No sharp knives.  No wind for flying the kite (of course we're not responsible for the wind, but if there had been wind, we'd also forgotten the kite string).
We had purposely not brought a tent, because Drew had an air mattress for the back of his Jeep Cherokee, and we could just sleep in there.  If you're not laughing by now at the thought of two rather large adults squeezed onto a twin size air mattress in the back of an SUV, you have no imagination.  If one of us needed to move in any way, we both had to move to accommodate the change.  We were parked on just enough of an incline that Jenna kept finding herself crumpled down at the bottom of the vehicle.  She'd have to push herself back up to straighten out her legs.
When she had to get up to go to the bathroom, Jenna had to do a full somersault to move her legs around to the door to get out.  Then she had to pick up all the stuff that fell out of the car, because we were smoooooooshed!
The best part, however, was that Jenna was having a dream that she was setting up her classroom and waiting for her young students to come in.  As she was writing on the board, she heard the clamor of someone attempting to open the door.  At that same time, however, Drew cleared his throat, and the sound of his deep male voice conflicted with Jenna's expectations in the dream, and she screamed out loud in her sleep!
Despite all of the blunders, however, we remained in good spirits. 
We laughed as often as possible.  Our catch phrase for the event was, "It's all part of the adventure!" That's been our motto ever since!
While our eight years together have been filled with various health crises, each event has only made us more appreciative of the relationship we have and the family we've built.   

Our wedding day will be the first time we'll have our families and friends together in one place.  Thank you f
or sharing this special day with us.
Click here to read the story of Andrew's epic proposal and watch the video!
The reception will be right in the same picnic area.  Food will be BBQ prepared by Chef Ed. 
We are serving the following:
  • Beef burgers with all the fixings
  • Chicken breast
  • Boca Burgers (cooked in aluminum foil to avoid contamination from meat)
  • Salad bar
  • Chips
  • Water, Sodas, Iced Tea, and Lemonade will be provided.  Please do not bring alcohol.
*If you or your child is picky, please feel free to bring your own food.  There will be plenty of room for ice chests.  The BBQ space is large and no egos will be harmed.

glitter maker

Please fill out this form to let us know where to send the owl with the proper invitation.  If you do not, we will not know how many chairs to rent or how much food to buy.  You could end up sitting on the ground and not getting to eat any of the good stuff!

Since we are fortunate enough to already have everything we need, we are asking for contributions to our
Magical Honeymoon fund.

You are encouraged to wear your finest wizarding garb. Muggles are welcome, of course, but as this is a wizarding event, you may stand out and draw unwanted attention to yourself.  Collins Lake is a family friendly camping and picnicking area.  There are boat rentals, fishing, play areas, etc. 
In October, the average high temperature is 73°F and the average low is 52°F.
We will be in the shade, so dress accordingly. 

The wedding will be held at Collins Lake Picnic Area # 1. The map to the right will lead you directly to the picnic spot.

Collins Lake is a family friendly camping, fishing, and picnicking spot in Browns Valley, CA.  There is shade and room to set up play pens or other necessities.

Important:  When you reach the gate, tell them that you are with the Roberts/Shire wedding in Picnic Area #1.  Otherwise they will charge you for entry.

:  Collins Lake has RV sites with hookups if those of you who are traveling are wondering where you might stay.  There are also cabins that can be rented.  You can find all of that information and make reservations at

Click on "View Larger Map" on map above for directions right to the site!